Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chap 29: Key Events

1960 Birth-control pill marketed.

1963 Bob Dylan releases “Blowin’ in the Wind.”

1964  Berkeley Free Speech Movement (FSM). The Beatles arrive in the United States, and “I Want to Hold Your Hand” tops the charts.

1965 Ken Kesey and Merry Pranksters stage first “acid test.”

1966 Abolition of automatic student deferments from the draft.

1967 March on the Pentagon. Israeli-Arab Six-Day War.

1968 Tet offensive. President Lyndon Johnson announces that he will not seek reelection.
Martin Luther King, Jr., assassinated; race riots sweep nation. Students take over buildings and strike at Columbia University. Robert F. Kennedy assassinated. Violence mars Democratic convention in Chicago. Vietnam peace talks open in Paris. Richard Nixon elected president.

1969 Apollo 11 lands first Americans on the moon. Nixon begins withdrawal of U.S. troops. Woodstock festival.
March Against Death in Washington, D.C. Lieutenant William Calley charged with murder of civilians at My Lai.

1970 United States invades Cambodia. Students killed at Kent State and Jackson State Universities. Nixon proposes Huston Plan. Environmental Protection Agency established. OSHA created. Earth Day first celebrated. The Beatles disband; Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix die of drug overdoses.

1971 United States invades Laos. Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. New York Times pulishes Pentagon Papers. Nixon institutes wage-and-price freeze. South Vietnam invades Laos with the help of U.S. air

1972 Nixon visits China and the Soviet Union. SALT I agreement approved. Break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters in Watergate complex. Nixon reelected in landslide victory. Christmas bombing of North Vietnam.

1973 Vietnam cease-fire agreement signed. Trial of Watergate burglars. Senate establishes Special Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities to investigate Watergate. President Salvador Allende ousted and murdered in Chile. Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns; Gerald Ford appointed vice president. Row v. Wade. Yom Kippur War; OPEC begins embargo of oil to the West. Saturday Night Massacre.

1974 Supreme court orders Nixon to release Watergate tapes. House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach Nixon. Nixon resigns; Ford becomes president.

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