Friday, April 5, 2013

Growth of Market Economy to Social Revolution enduring vision notes

The Growth of the Market Economy
     Subsistence agriculture – growing only enough food to feed your family
     Commercial agriculture – AKA market economy – adds a cash crop where crops were sold for profit
     High crop prices after the War of 1812 tempted more farmers than ever before to switch from subsistence to commercial agriculture.
     Commercial agriculture opened new opportunities for western farmers
     It also exposed them to greater risks
      Many had to borrow $$$$ to buy land and to survive until they could sell their first crops
      Once in debt, the commercial farmers were particularly vulnerable because they had no control over fluctuations in price, supply, and demand in world markets

Federal Land Policy
      Jeffersonian Republicans introduced land policies aimed at a speedy transfer of the public domain to small farmers
      Ordinance of 1785 – divided public lands into sections of 640 acres
      Between 1800 and 1820
     The govt. cut the minimum price per acre and the minimum # of acres that could be purchased
     Most govt. land was sold at auction
     Speculators often bid the price up far above the minimum
      Speculators believed that the price of land would soon shoot up in value
     The easy availability of credit encouraged this speculation

The Speculator and the Squatter
      Squatter – formed claims associations to police land auctions and prevent speculators from bidding up the price of land
      Preemption rights – right to purchase at the minimum price lands that they had already settled on and improvised
      Many poor settlers who did not have the money to buy at auction simply squatted on govt. land
      They exerted mounting pressure on Congress to grant them preemption rights over speculators
     They won their demand in 1841
      Squatters quickly turned to commercial agriculture
     They wanted to accumulate the cash to buy their farms
      Many western farmers, after exhausting the soil’s fertility growing cash crops, simply moved on to new land

The Panic of 1819
      The land boom soon collapsed and crop and western land prices plummeted
      Many speculators were ruined in the panic and depression of 1819
      National Bank tightened credit and called in the notes of the overextended western banks (many of which failed)
      The hard times experienced by agriculture and industry had long-term effects
     Many westerners hated the National Bank
      Blamed it for the crisis
     Western farmers intensified their search for internal improvements that would cut transportation expenses for shipping their product to market
     State banks’ loose practices – passed out more bank notes than they could redeem
     Bumper crops in Europe and recession in Britain trimmed foreign demand for US agriculture
     To pay debts to the Bank of the US, state banks had to force farmers and land speculators to repay loans
     Left a bitter taste about banks, especially the Bank of the US
     Plummeting prices for cash crops demonstrated how dependent farmers were on distant markets
     Accelerated search for better forms of transformation to distant markets b/c if cost of transportation could be cut, farmers could keep a larger share of the value of their crops and thereby adjust to falling prices

The Transportation Revolution:  Steamboats, Canals, and Railroads
      Before 1820, available transportation facilities were unsatisfactory
      Problems with America’s transportation system in 1820:
     Rivers flowed only North to South, not East to West
     Roads expensive to maintain
     Horse drawn wagons could carry only limited produce
      Existing roads were adequate for transporting people, but moving bulky loads over them by horse-drawn wagons was slow and costly
     1807 Robert R. Livingston and Robert Fulton introduced steamboat Clermont on Hudson River
     Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) – Chief Justice john Marshall rules that congress’s constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce applied to navigation and thus had to prevail over New York’s power to license the Livingston-Fulton monopoly
     Faster than keelboats and travel on low water levels
     Upriver navigation
     Robert Fulton’s steamboat
      Allowed the great rivers west of the Appalachian Mountains that flowed north to south became two-way streets for commerce
      By 1855, 727 steamboats were providing regular ferry service on all the western rivers
      Rivers did NOT always exist where they were most needed for trade
      Americans began to build canals in 1820’s

  • Canals
o   Erie Canal
        • 1817 to 1825 it was built
        • State of New York constructed it
        • Connected Albany on the Hudson River with Buffalo on Lake Erie
        • Lowered freight rates to a fraction of what they  had been
        • Made NYC a leading outlet for Midwestern production
      • The Erie Canal’s success encouraged dozens of other state-supported projects
      • The canal-building boom deflated with the depression of the late 1830’s
    • Expensive to build but cheap to maintain
    • Offered prospect of connecting Mississippi-Ohio river with Great lakes, and Great Lakes with eastern markets
    • 1817 – 1825 Erie Canal – connected Hudson River with Lake Erie
    • reduced shipping costs
    • rapidly speeded the growth of lake cities (Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago) but populations in river cities (Cincinnati, Louisville) declined

     By 1840 some 3,000 miles of railroad track had been laid
     trains were beginning to supplement and compete with canal shipping
     Started after depression in 1830s -  had to scrap expensive canal projects
     Transportation for areas with no water
     Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (1828)
     Boston and Worcester Railroad (1831)

The Growth of Cities
      This transportation revolution stimulated the development of towns and cities
      River port cities (steamboat)
     Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, New Orleans
      Lake port cities (canals)
     Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee
      The period from 1820 to 1860 saw the most rapid urbanization in American history

Industrial Beginnings
     Early industrialization stimulated urbanization
     The first cotton mill in the U.S.A. opened in Pawtucket, RI
      Skilled mechanic Samuel Slater managed to sneak out of Britain and arrived in America with his ability to reproduce Richard Arkwright’s spinning frame
      Slater’s 1st mill opened in 1790
     Soon joined by many other manufacturing textiles and shoes
      The rapidity of industrialization varied from region to region
     New England leading the way
     The South lagged far behind
      Planters preferred to put their capital in land and slaves
      Subdivided workers by task
      Replaced workers with machines
      Made products cheaper b/c not produced by hand anymore

      Industrialization began to change people’s lives
     Forced workers to regulate their labor by the clock and pace of the machine
     Downgraded the position of skilled artisans
     Cheaper machine-made products were available in greater profusion to working-class Americans

Causes of Industrialization
      Embargo Act of 1807
     Induced merchants barred from foreign trade to divert their capital to founding factories
      After the War of 1812=fledgling industries received protection from high tariffs
     Especially in the 1820’s
      Transportation improvements opened distant markets to manufactures
      Era of Good Feelings
      Environmental advantage – water power for mills
      Americans had no craft organizations that tied artisans to a single trade

      Relatively high wages paid to American workers
     Made employers eager to adopt laborsaving techniques
     Eli Whitney’s interchangeable parts
     Other new technology

Textile Towns in New England
      New England was the 1st region to industrialize
     Its merchants were particularly hard hit by foreign trade disruptions
     It had swift-flowing rivers for waterpower
     It had excess female farm population for labor
      Textile manufacturing became its leading industry
      Boston Manufacturing Company (1813) – Boston Associates and Francis Cabot Lowell
     ten times the capital of any previous American mill
     The Waltham and Lowell mills in MA were the first to concentrate on total cloth production within the factory
     turned out finished fabrics that required only the additional step of stitching into clothing, unlike Slater’s mills that only carded and spun yarn
     upset the traditional order of New England society – young unmarried women worked there instead of men, lured from farms by promise of wages
     miserly mill conditions (air kept purposely humid, windows boarded, etc.)

      Originally 80% of the mill operatives were unmarried young women
     Lived in company housing under the strict supervision of management
     During the 1830’s, these Lowell women staged 2 of the largest strikes in American history to that date. (1834 and 1836)

Artisans and Workers in Mid-Atlantic Cities
      New York City and Philadelphia
      Shoes, saddles, clothing
      Done in small shops as well as factories
      Much of the work was still done by hand rather than by machine
      But increasingly production was subdivided into small specialized tasks
     Done by low-paid, semiskilled or unskilled laborers (often women)
      This resulted in a declining importance for skilled artisans
     in protest in the late 1820’s, formed trade unions and “workingmen’s” political parties
      steadily deteriorating working conditions of early 1830s tended to throw skilled/unskilled workers into same boat
     1835 US’s first general strike – coal haulers in Philadelphia struck for a ten hour day and were quickly joined by carpenters, cigar makers, shoemakers, leather workers and other artisans

Equality and Inequality
·         egalitarianism – rich treated poor as equal and vice versa
·         servants were neighbors, invited to assist in running a house rather than as a permanent subordinate

Urban Inequality:  The Rich and the Poor
     The gap between the rich and the poor grew during the 1st half of the 19th century
     The extremes were especially obvious in the cities
      Mansions of the wealthy line the fashionable avenues
      The poor crowded into noxious slums like New York’s Five Points district
     1833 in Boston=the richest 4% of the population owned almost 60% of the land
      Contrary to the self-made man, rages-to-riches myth, 90% of the very wealthy had started out with considerable means
      most antebellum Americans lived close to edge of misery, depended on their children’s labor to meet expenses, and had little money to spend on medical care or recreation
      At the other end of the scale, cities were developing a pauperized class consisting of aged and infirm; widows; and destitute Irish immigrants, whose labor built the Erie and other canals in the North
      Americans blamed the poor for being poor
      treated most with contempt
     particularly the Irish, for being poor and Catholic
     Free blacks for being poor and black

Free Blacks in the North
      Overwhelming discrimination kept most free blacks in poverty
      They were generally denied the vote
·         laws frequently barred free blacks from migrating too their states and cities
·         segregation everywhere
      Educated in inferior segregated schools (if at all)
      Forced to use separate and unequal facilities
      Kept out of all but the lowest-paying, least skilled occupations
      In response to this pervasive discrimination, northern blacks founded their own churches
     Richard Allen started the first of these
      African Methodist Episcopal Church In Philadelphia in 1816
      By 1822, there were AME congregations all over the North
      The black churches engaged in antislavery activities and ran schools and mutual-aid societies

The “Middling Classes”
      The  majority of white Americans were neither rich nor poor
      Belonged to what was then called the middling classes
      For most people in that group the standard of living rose between 1800 and 1860
      Members of the middle class experienced a lot of insecurity
      They also exhibited a high degree of transience, moving from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, and region to region

The Revolution in Social Relationships
      The Attack on the Professions
     One sign that economic changes were disrupting traditional relationships and forms of authority could be seen in the intense criticism of professionals (doctors, lawyers, ministers) between 1820 and 1850
     The denial that professionals had any special expertise was particularly prevalent on the frontier

The Challenge to Family Authority
      Children became more inclined to question parental authority
     Young men left home at an earlier age and struck out on their own
     Young women increasingly made their own choice of whom to marry or even whether to marry

Wives and Husbands
      Relations between spouses also were evolving
      Wives continued to be legally subordinate to their husbands
      But under the doctrine of separate spheres, middle-class women were demanding and winning greater voice in those areas where they were deemed to be particularly
     Exerting moral influence on the family
     Creating within the home a calm refuge from the harsh, competitive world outside
      Middle-class women gained more control over the frequency of their pregnancies
     The size of white middle-class families declined markedly
      The birthrate remained high among black and immigrant women

Horizontal Allegiances & the Rise of Voluntary Associations
      vertical allegiance – authority flows from top to bottom (artisan and apprentice, father and family, etc.)
      horizontal allegiance – linked people in similar positions (maternal associations, etc.)
     professed to strengthen family/community, not overthrow authority
·         voluntary association – association that arose apart form government and sought to accomplish some goal of value to their members
o   encouraged sociability
o   different associations based on gender, race, etc.
o   moral reform societies
§  temperance
§  combating prostitution
      Authority of fathers, husbands, professionals, and other social “superiors” waned
      New relationships among persons in similar positions were forged through the proliferation of voluntary associations
     Temperance and moral-reform societies of white middle-class women, union, and workingmen’s parties and black fraternal, and other clubs encouraged sociability among members
     Also these were attempts to enhance their influence on outside groups

      After 1815, white Americans’ westward movement speeded up due to a heightened European demand for agricultural products
     especially cotton
      Federal govt. policies also hastened western settlement
     Removal of eastern Indians to west of the Mississippi River
     The sale of land on more generous terms
      Improved transportation facilitated the shipment of western farmers’ produce to eastern and European markets
     Steamboat, canals, railroads
      This transportation revolution encouraged the growth of cities, commerce, manufacturing, and industrialization
      The economic transformations made some American wealthy and impoverished others
      Affected social relations within the family and society

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