Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Enduring Vision Chapter 16 Short Essay Questions

1.      Read the introduction on pages 477-478 and list the problems faced by the nation after the Civil War

After the Civil War, the nation faced many unprecedented problems. First and foremost, what should be done with the newly freed blacks? Should they be granted equal rights guaranteed by the federal government or should they be left own their own. The whole Southern structure was based on Slavery, and with it gone, how would the Southern culture and structure evolve.
The second question was how to allow the Southern states back to the Union. Were they to be added quickly or were they to be treated as conquered territories. Who would have the power to decide the fate of the Southern States- Congress or the President? And lastly, what should be done with the confederate leaders. Should they be pardoned or disenfranchised and charged with treason.

2.      Based on your reading, why was Andrew Johnson impeached by members of his own party?  What are some specific reasons? Why did the Senate fail to get the 2/3 required for conviction?

Andrew Johnson was a stubborn, white supremacist who became president after Lincoln’s assassination. During the Civil War he was the only Southern Senator to remain loyal to the Union. He hated blacks, but he also hated the Southern gentry. His reconstruction plans included providing provisional state governors, having the states declare succession illegal, ratify the 13th amendment. When the South created Black Codes, Johnson did not stop them. He practically handed out special pardons allowing the old confederate generals to take control of the government.
All of this was done while Congress was out of session. Congress was furious on its return. It formed its own reconstruction plan that was less forgiving towards the former-confederates and more helpful towards the newly freed blacks. President Johnson tried all in his power to stop the plan. He went on his “Swing Around the Circle”, going around the country campaigning against congressional reconstruction plan. The campaign completely failed. Now the Congress was filled with Republicans who hated Johnson. But Johnson continued to antagonism Congress by removing Cabinet members who were supportive of the Republicans. He finally crossed the line when he tried to fire Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. The House of Representatives impeached for the violation of the Tenure of Office Act. However the impeachment did not pass by one vote in the Senate. The senators did not want to set the precedent of impeaching a president just because Congress did not like him. That would upset the balance of powers. So Johnson was not impeached.

3.      What was the Freedman’s Bureau?  What were some of the jobs available?  Why did Johnson veto it?  What black institutions organized to assist the Freedmen?
The Freedman’s Bureau was established in 1865 to offer assistance to former slaves and protect their new citizenship. It provided emergency food, housing, medical supplies to the freed blacks. It promised “40 acres & a mule”. They also told the Africans to show them the labor contracts before signing on with landlords. They also created new schools. It could run special military courts to settle labor disputes and could invalidate labor contracts forced on freedmen by the black codes.

4.      Why did the Republicans abandon the South in the 1870’s?  Give an example of the Supreme Court’s support for this abandonment of Reconstruction.

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