12: The Old South and Slavery (1830-1860)
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Aug. 1831
60 whites were killed
Created a panic among whites about slave
Whites took indiscriminate revenge on blacks
The VA legislature came close to passing an
emancipation bill (winter of 1831-1832)
After the failure of the bill, white opposition
to slavery in VA and throughout the South gradually
The Upper South relied less on slavery and
cotton than the Lower South
Upper South seceded from the Union more
From 1832 on,what united and created the region
the “Old South” was its defense of slavery
Its “peculiar institution”
King Cotton
The main cash crop of the colonial South was
Tobacco declined in the late 1700’s
Cotton culture revived southern agriculture
Encouraged rapid expansion southward and
Cotton growing was stimulated by:
the growth of the British textile industry
Development of the cotton gin
Removal of Indians form southern and western lands
The Lure of Cotton
The climate of the Lower South was ideal for
growing cotton
Intense demand in Britain kept prices high
Cotton could be grown profitably on any scale
With or without slave labor
Cotton cultivation and the institution of
slavery did increase side by side
Cotton and corn were often grown together so
that the South did not have to spend money on imported food
Ties Between the Lower and Upper South
The Upper South identified with the Lower South
rather than the free states:
Many of the Lower South residents had migrated
from the Upper South
All southern whites benefited form the 3/5’s
clause in the Constitution
Almost all southerners resented the criticism
form northern abolitionists
The residents of the Upper South enjoyed a
large, profitable business in the sale of slaves to the Lower South
The North and South Diverge
While the North was rapidly industrializing and
urbanizing, the South remained primarily rural and agricultural
Slaves could be and were employed in southern
Much of the South’s capital was tied up in slave
Not available for investment in industrial
Southerners believed that raising cash crops
through slave labor would continue to be profitable
They lacked the incentive to switch their capital
from land and slaves to financing industry
The South’s slave economy did not require a high
rate of literacy
The Old
South made less provision for public schools than the North
School attendance was not compulsory for
southern whites
The law forbade teaching slaves to read and
The Social Groups of the White
In 1860
1/4 of southern whites owned slaves
1% of southern whites owned 100 or more
The whites of the Old South fit into 4 classes:
1.) planters
Owners of more than 20 slaves
2.) small slaveholders
3.) yeoman
Nonslaveholding small family farmers
4.) people of the pine barrens
Planters and Plantation Mistresses
The plantation was almost a factory in the field
High degree of division of labor
The pursuit of profit led planters to:
look constantly for additional and more fertile
Organize their slave crews as efficiently as
Seek favorable merchant-banker connections
To supplement their income
Many opened their homes to visitors
Responsibility of hospitality falling to their
Psychological strains that plantation
agriculture placed on planters and their wives included:
Isolation from other whites of their class
Frequent moves
Crude living conditions
Especially those who lived on the new frontier
Responsibilities of running a major economic
An additional stress on planters’ wives was the
sexual double standard
Accepted illicit sexual relations between
masters and their bondswomen
Demanded absolute sexual purity from white
The Small Slaveholders
There were many more small slaveholders than
“In 1860, 88% of all slaveholders owned fewer
than 20 slaves.”
In the upland regions
Small slaveholders tended to identify with the
more numerous yeomen
In the low country and delta
They identified with the planters
Aspired to rise into that class
Sometimes they did
The Yeoman
Non-slaveholding family farmers
Largest group among southern whites
Most yeoman grew some crops for sale
A few were only subsistence farmers
Farms ranged in size from 50 to 200 acres
Congregated in the upland, hilly, and less
fertile regions
Proud, Self-sufficient
The People of the Pine Barrens
Made up about 10% of white population
Did not own land or slaves
Squatted on unfenced land
Subsistence farming
Grazed hogs and cattle
Grew corn
Refused to work as hired help for others
Survived in this manner
Social Relations in the White
Southern white society showed a mixture of
aristocratic and democratic elements
There were great differences in wealth between
Most whites did own land
Planters were overrepresented in state
Did not always pass laws that only benefited
Conflict and Consensus in the White South
Planters leaned towards the Whigs
Yeomen towards the Democrats
Other characteristics of the Old South were
minimized in conflict
The 4 main social groups were clustered in
different regions and had little contact
Yeomen and planters were independent landowners
Whites rarely worked for other whites
Many worked side by side with their slaves
Planters dominated state legislatures
All white men had the right to vote by 1820’s
The planters could not ignore the desires of the
yeomen majority
Conflict over Slavery
There was a potential for conflict between
slaveholders and non-slaveholders
But the majority of non-slaveholding southerners
supported slavery
Some hoped to become slaveholders
Many feared freedmen would demand social and
political equality with whites
Feared a race war
Throughout the South there was a fear of a race
Many whites also shared racist beliefs about
Feared that emancipation would be followed by a
race war
Which would endanger the lives of all whites
The Proslavery Argument
The proslavery argument was also used as a tool
to unite southern whites behind the institution
The proslavery argument was constructed by
southern intellectuals between 1830 and 1860
The argument claimed that slavery was a positive
good rather than a necessary evil
It claimed that slavery was sanctioned by
history and the bible
Southern slaves were treated better than
northern factory “wage slaves”
By the 1830’s, most southern churches had
adopted the proslavery position
Southerners persuaded themselves of the
righteousness of their “peculiar institution”
They also increasingly suppressed all public
criticism of slavery
They seized and destroyed abolitionist
literature mailed to the South
Smashed the presses of southern antislavery
Violence in the Old South
During the colonial and pre-Civil War periods,
violence was more prevalent among southern whites than it was among white
people in the North
The murder rate was as much as 10 times higher
in the South
Physical prowess became a badge of honor
The Code of Honor and Dueling
Behind much of the southern violence was an
exaggerated notion of personal pride
White men must “react violently to even trivial
insults in order to demonstrate that they had nothing in common with slaves.”
Among gentlemen this pride took the form of a
code of honor.
Any intentional insult to one’s reputation had
to be redressed by a challenge to a duel
The Southern Evangelicals and White Values
The code of honor was potentially in conflict
with the values preached by southern evangelical churches
Humility and self-restraint
From the 1830’s on, evangelical religion grew in
influence to the point that some southern gentlemen did denounce drinking,
gambling, and dueling as un-Christian practices
On the other hand, southern churches partly
endorsed the gentry’s code of honor
Life Under Slavery
Slavery was an exploitative institution that
took by force the life and labor of one race for the profit of another
Slaves could be found in cities or on farms
In the fields or around the house
As the central units of an economic institution
slave life depended not only on the kindness or cruelty of masters but also on
unseen market forces
The Maturing of the Plantation System
The institution of slavery changed between 1700
and 1830
In the earlier period
the majority of the black population was recent
African or Caribbean arrivals
Disproportionately young males
Spoke little English
Isolated on small farms
By 1830
There was a more even balance between males and
Most were American born and English speaking
Most worked on large plantations
These changes facilitated a more rapid natural
increase in the black population
Work and Discipline of Plantation Slaves
No other 19th century Americans worked as many
hours under as harsh discipline as slave field hands
Either worked in gang labor or under the task
Slave craftsmen and domestics on the plantations
had higher status
easier work
but also were subjected at times to physical
The Slave Family
The slave family was not recognized or protected
by southern law
Husbands and wives, parents and children were
separated by sale
Sexual demands were made on black females by
masters and other white men
Despite these problems, the black family did not
It evolved in ways that were different from
those of middle-class whites
In the place of the nuclear family, fictive kin
networks allowed slaves to assimilate to new environments
The Longevity, Diet, and Health of Slaves
Slaves in the Old South lived longer and
reproduced faster than those in Brazil or the Caribbean
More even sex ratio
Adequate diet
Southern slaves had a higher mortality rate than
their white countrymen
Slaves off Plantations
The majority of slaves worked on plantations
Other jobs for slaves
Performed a variety of skilled artisan jobs in
cities and villages
Life on the Margin: Free Blacks
in the Old South
Not all blacks in the Old South were slaves
More than 250,000 free blacks in 1860
From the 1830’s on, the position of the free
black in the South deteriorated
Southern law forbade teaching blacks (free or
slave) to read
Obstacles were put in the way of manumission
Free blacks were barred from entering or
remaining in many states
Many of the post-Civil War black leaders came
from this group
Slave Resistance
Nat Turner’s 1831 rebellion was the only one in
which whites were killed
2 earlier planned insurrections were betrayed
before they got underway
Gabriel Prosser’s (1800)
Denmark Vesey’s (1822)
The Old South experienced far fewer uprisings
than South America and the Caribbean
Slaves did not form a large majority anywhere in
the South
Whites had all the weapons and soldiers
Blacks were reluctant to endanger their families
Black rarely had allies in southern Indians and
never in nonslaveholding whites
An alternative way to freedom was to try to
escape to the North
Black abolitionists who escaped
Frederick Douglass
Harriet Tubman
Josiah Henson
Underground Railroad
Way to help slaves escape to the north
Relatively few slaves made it to the North
Fugitives Arriving at Indiana Farm
More than be either running away or violent
slaves resisted slavery by furtive means:
Work stoppages and slowdowns
The Emergence of
African-American Culture
American blacks under slavery developed a
distinctive culture
Drew on African and American cultures
But was “more than a mixture of the two.”
The Language of Slaves
During the colonial period, verbal communication
between slaves was difficult
Variety of African languages they spoke
By the time most slaves were American-born, they
had developed their own language
Pidgin English
This was an indispensable tool for communication
A bridge to a distinctive black culture
African American Religion
The first Africans brought to the South were
Muslims or followers of a variety of indigenous African religions
By 1800 many had been converted to Christianity
Methodists and Baptists
Masters hoped that by preaching Christian
humility and acceptance to their slaves, they could make blacks docile and
This did not work
Many of the rebels and their followers were
devout Christians
While Christianity did not turn most slaves into
It did serve as a unifying force among blacks
A source of hope and comfort
Black Music and Dance
Compared to the cultural patterns of upper-class
whites in the Old South, the culture of blacks was “extremely expressive”
Expressed their feelings in shouts, music, and
They composed work songs and religious songs (spirituals)
Slavery is what unified the Old South
Though the majority of white southerners owned
no slaves, they had become convinced that the perpetuation of the “peculiar
institution” was in the best interests of the entire South
Northerners believed that slavery made the South
backward and bankrupt
Southern whites reacted to outside criticism by
defending slavery as a benevolent way to handle the innate inferiority of the
black race
Few slaves agreed
White masters hoped black conversion to
Christianity would render their slaves submissive
When blacks accepted Christianity, they read
into it the message that slavery was a gross injustice
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